

Environmental Policy


REACH Compliance
Aldeco has been increasing the number of products with REACH Compliant Certificate. The newest collections are available with this Certification and the previous collections have been updated with this regulation.
REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals and relates to the manufacture of consumer products.
By identifying the dangers and managing the risks, REACH aims to provide a high level of protection of human health and the environment by controlling and monitoring the use of chemicals. REACH is an evolving regulation with regular developments to restrict new chemicals that have a negative impact on human health or the environment.
Even though REACH is an EU regulation, Aldeco requires all suppliers, including those from non-EU countries, to comply with REACH regulations.

Aldeco ins continuously increasing the number of products that are OEKO-TEX certified. OEKO-TEX certificates confirm the human and ecological safety of textile products throughout all stages of production, ensuring the trust in textiles.

OEKO-TEX is one of the world’s best-known labels for textiles, being a new demand for both interior design or fashion design fabrics

Recycled Yarns
Aldeco has been investing in technological developments in fabric productions. Using technology as a tool at the service of the environment, a constant improvement and innovation in the recycling processes, using increasingly percentages of recycled yarns. Technology of today, allows these recycled fabrics to feel soft on the skin and compete with any fabric in terms of softness or performance. With Aldeco, being green is always beautiful.

Our Commitment
As a planet lover, Aldeco is actively searching for new ways to supply fabrics with the best performance and that also look and feels good. Most of our products are fully recyclable and an increasingly number of fabrics are already recycled and can be recycled numerous times.
For an example, a fabric made of 100% of plastic bottles claimed from our seas and turned into a soft feeling fabric with more than 100.000 cycles of Martindale Test is a reality at Aldeco.

Turning Dreams into Fabrics since 1993!

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